

Save money by leasing your new bike with JobRad®.

JobRad® turns bicycles and e-bikes into company bikes by enabling employers to offer their employees high-quality bicycles and e-bikes at favourable conditions - perfect for the environment and your wallet. First, simply choose your desired Schindelhauer bike. Then your employer leases the JobRad® and you ride it when, where and as much as you want: to work, in everyday life, on holiday or for sports. Thanks to tax incentives (so-called company car privilege), you save up to 40% compared to the regular purchase.

What are the benefits of JobRad®?

  • One fixed monthly payment for 36 months
  • Tax free savings up to 40%
  • At the end of the contract, you can buy, quit or choose a new bike
  • Available to employees and self employed workers
  • Insurance cover included and optional service packages

What is leasing?

Leasing (from the English "to lease": to rent, to lease) is, in a civil law sense, a contract for the temporary use of something or an atypical rental agreement. In the business world, leasing is a popular form of financing for an asset. From coffee machines to passenger airplanes – almost anything can be leased. For JobRad®, the leased item is a bicycle, e-bike. The employer (the lessee) leases the item (the JobRad®) and makes it available to the employee (the JobRad® user) for use. Visit the JobRad® frequently asked questions page to read more.

How do I order my JobRad®?

How to order (employed)

  • Step 1 - Choose your Schindelhauer bike; then select JobRad® as your payment method during the checkout process. We will send you an order confirmation.
  • Step 2 - Set up a myJobRad account and upload your order. You may need to speak to your HR department to create an account.
  • Step 3 - Once approved, your bike and accessories will be shipped.

It's even easier if you visit one of our dealers.
Here you can test ride the bikes on site, one of the most important aspects of buying a bike or e-bike, and arrange bike leasing with our Schindelhauer partner.
Find a dealer near you.

We recommend that you select the Schindelhauer bike you wish to lease from your dealer and conclude the leasing contract on site. It is not possible to order your bike on our website, have it delivered to a dealer and select Schindelhauer as your leasing partner. Alternatively, you can order your bike on the website, have it delivered to you and select Schindelhauer as your leasing partner.

Have you already received a Jobrad® transaction number from your employer?

Let us know your process number and the bike you have chosen. We'll create a quote and upload it to the JobRad® portal. As soon as it has been approved by your employer, you can order it. info@schindelhauerbikes.de Did you know that you can also lease a bike as a self-employed person? If you have any questions about this or other matters, please write to us or find more information at the JobRad® website.

Frequently asked questions

You can find all the answers to the most important questions about company bike leasing in the JobRad® portal.